
• Modified atmosphere (2.1% O 2 with 90% CO 2 ) was evaluated in terms of efficacy at 20 °C. • Different life stages of Carpophilus hemipterus were exposed to MA for 48–120 h. • LT 95 values are 221 h, 82 h and 65 h for egg, larva and adult, respectively. • Based on LT 95 values, tolerance order was found as eggs > larvae > adults. Carpophilus hemipterus is an important cosmopolitan pest species that causes high economic losses in fruits before and after harvest. In this study, 0–2 d old eggs, 12 d old mature larvae and 1 week old adults of C. hemipterus were exposed to a modified atmosphere with low oxygen and high carbon dioxide content (2.1% O 2 + 90% CO 2 + 7.9% N 2 ) for 48–120 h at 20 °C and 75 ± 5% relative humidity. Time-mortality responses were subjected to probit analysis, and the difference between lethal exposure times (LTs) for the different life stages were compared using a lethal dose ratio test. LT 95 values were recorded as 221.83 h, 82.79 h and 65.31 h for egg, larval and adult stages, respectively. The statistical difference between LT 95 values was significant and egg stage was found to be more tolerant than the other two life stages. In addition, the larvae were found to be more tolerant than adults. According to the results of this study, a long time was needed to control the eggs of C. hemipterus .

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