
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of deslorelin acetate in the regulation of reproductive activity in captive leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). Fourteen healthy adult females were separated into two groups. Under general anaesthesia, deslorelin acetate implants (4.7 mg) or placebo implants were administered into the coelom of ten female geckos and four female geckos, respectively. One healthy adult male Leopard gecko was added to each group of females (five females with GnRH implants and two females with placebo implants). The geckos were regularly monitored over two breeding seasons (visual examination, weight control). Nesting sites were checked daily. There were no postoperative complications or any other health problems during the study. Implant administration did not result in long-term suppression of reproductive function. No significant differences were found in the number of clutches between the female groups (deslorelin implants versus placebo implants) or in the number of clutches between the two breeding seasons. Deslorelin acetate implants did not interfere with ovarian activity in captive female leopard geckos. The use of GnRH agonist implants is not an appropriate method for control of reproductive function in female leopard geckos.

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