
This work investigated the effect of 10-(6'-plastoquinonyl) decyltrimethylphosphonium (SkQ1) on the regeneration, growth and development of cell and tissue cultures of such plants as sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), alfalfa of two species (Medicago glutinosa L.) and (Medicago falcata L.), cornflower (Thalictrum minus L.) and stephania (Stephania glabra Miers.). The stimulating effect of SkQ1 in concentrations from 0.5 to 10 nM has been shown, promoting better shoot and root formation in calli, an increase in growth rate, expressed in the cell mass of calli and their growth index. In addition, the effect of SkQ1 on the resistance of sugarcane calli to hypoxia was studied by assessing the growth index of calli of sensitive and hypoxia-resistant sugarcane lines when incubated under anaerobic conditions. It was shown that in both sensitive and resistant calli grown on a medium supplemented with 10 nM SkQ1, the growth index was 4 and 3.3 times higher, respectively, than in calli cultivated in a medium not containing SkQ1. Keywords: ANTIOXIDANTS, PLASTOQUINONE, 10-(6'-PLASTOQUINONYL) DECYLTRIMETHYLPHOSPHONIUM (SkQ1), CALLUS, EMPLANTS, REGENERATION, SUSPENSION CULTURE, HYPOXIA

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