
A field experiment was conducted in one of the fields of the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - University of Baghdad / Al-Jadriya in the spring season 2021 to know the effect of adding different levels of organic matter (poultry manure) and agricultural sulfur on the growth and yield of potatoes. The experiment included two factors: the addition of three levels of organic matter (0-10-20) Mg h-1, symbolized by OM0, OM1, and OM2 in sequence, and agricultural sulfur (0-1000-2000) kg h-1 and symbolized by S0, S1 and S2 in sequence. The treatments were distributed according to a randomized complete block design. The dry weight of shoots, number of tubers plant-1, total yield, starch and protein content of tubers and percentage of dry matter in tubers were calculated. The results showed that treatment S2 gave the highest dry weight of 8.41 Mg ha-1 compared to treatment S0 which gave 4.64 Mg ha-1 and treatment M2 gave 7.37 Mg ha-1 compared to treatment M0 which gave 5.92 Mg ha-1 and the interaction between the two factors M2S2 gave the highest dry weight 9.0 Mg ha-1. The interaction between the two factors M2S2 gave the highest number of tubers plant-1 was 9.4 compared to the measurement treatment 5.1. The interaction between the two factors M2S2 gave a higher yield of 59.56 Mg ha-1 compared to the measurement treatment 25.74 Mg ha-1. The M2S2 interaction treatment gave the highest values for the qualitative characteristics in potatoes, which are the percentage of starch, protein and dry matter 13.02, 8.4 and 19.09%, respectively.

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