
The free market that has hit Indonesia can lead to unscrupulous business actors that operate unfair business competition. If the fraud continues to occur, it will have a negative impact considering the market share is only towards a handful of business actors, resulting in unfair business competition. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Law Number 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition in creating a healthy climate of business competition in the case study of Decision Number 13/KPPU-I/2019. This study uses the normative method, in which the approach is the statutory approach based on legal doctrine, legal concepts, legal principles, KKPU decisions and related laws and regulations. The data sources used are secondary data consisting of the Antimonopoly Law, Decision Number 13/KPPU-I/2019 related to market concentration, where the KPPU effectively enforces the law in accordance with the Antimonopoly Law in order to create fair business competition and other scientific works. relevant to answer the formulation of the problem. The results and conclusions of this study indicate that the Antimonopoly Law has been effectively implemented by the KPPU because in carrying out law enforcement the KPPU coordinates with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the judiciary under it. Should an unfair business competition case concerns a foreign company, KPPU will coordinate with the business competition authority in the relevant country.

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