
Duck is a type of poultry that can be consumed as a new option other than chicken meat. Several types of local ducks can be utilized their potential for community consumption, one of which is Magelang duck. Duck meat is one of the foodstuffs of livestock origin that contains nutrients that are good for the human body. The weakness of meat with a high nutritional content that can cause meat susceptible to contamination by decaying microorganisms. Efforts to maintain meat quality are to prevent microbial contamination of Magelang duck meat by using bilimbi fruit liquid (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) to maintain the quality of duck meat. This study aims to determine the efficiency using bilimbi fruit liquid with different concentrations on the value of water holding capacity and cooking loss of Magelang duck thigh meat. The experiment plan used in this study was a Completely Randomized Experimental Design (CRD) with 4 treatments differences concentration of using bilimbi fruit liquid (0, 20, 40, 60%) and 5 replays with immersion for 30 minutes. The data obtained was analyzed with a variety analysis (ANOVA) and the apparent differences between treatments were analyzed with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) advanced test. The results showed that soaking magelang duck thigh meat up to a concentration of 60% of using bilimbi fruit liquid for 30 minutes did not give a noticeable influence or has not been able to increase DIA and decrease cooking. The range of DIA values in this study is 40.67˗44.93% and cooked stacking 47.19–52.37%.
 Keywords: magelang duck, water holding capacity, starfruit juice, cooking loss.


  • This study aims to determine the efficiency using bilimbi fruit liquid with different concentrations on the value of water holding capacity and cooking loss of Magelang duck thigh meat

  • The results showed that soaking magelang duck thigh meat up to a concentration of 60% of using bilimbi fruit liquid for 30 minutes did not give a noticeable influence or has not been able to increase daya ikat air (DIA) and decrease cooking

  • Kualitas fisik daging itik petelur afkir yang direndam belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi) dengan konsentrasi berbeda

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Alat yang digunakan untuk pembuatan sari belimbing wuluh yaitu pisau, talenan, beaker glass, nampan, parutan, dan saringan. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah buah belimbing wuluh, aquadest, dan sampel daging bagian paha itik Magelang jantan umur 2-3 bulan. Karkas itik Magelang dipotong pada bagian paha sebanyak 20 sampel kemudian ditimbang bobot awalnya ±130 g. Setelah tahap pembuatan sari belimbing wuluh, karkas itik Magelang kemudian disiapkan dipotong dan diambil 2 potong bagian paha tanpa tulang hingga sebanyak 20 buah paha itik. Peubah yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah Daya Ikat Air (DIA) dan susut masak. Pengukuran DIA dilakukan dengan metode sentrifugal menurut Muchtadi dan Sugiyono (1992), yaitu menimbang sampel sebanyak 5 g daging yang sudah dicacah dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung sentrifugal 10 ml. Pengukuran susut masak dilakukan dengan metode perebusan menurut Soeparno (2015), yaitu memotong sampel 5 g daging lalu dimasukkan dalam plastik polietilen, divakum, dan ditutup rapat agar air rebusan tidak masuk ke dalam plastik.

Hasil penelitian berbeda dilaporkan kandungan fenol dari kulit buah nanas yaitu
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