
Abstract - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important and strategic role in national economic development, economic growth and employment. In addition, in the structure of the economy, MSMEs are generally the largest layer of business actors. They are referred to people's economic actors. However, the problem is the fact that MSMEs has problems in quality human resources, limited access to productive resources, lack of accurate and current information, financial, and technological limitations. The purpose of this study is to find out how the strategy and the effectiveness of the cluster program of Bank Indonesia in East Kalimantan Province in supporting the productivity of MSMEs in LubukSawah Village, MugirejoSamarinda. The method which is used in this research is qualitative research. To get a variety of data in this study, the authors used interview, observation and documentation methods. This research uses the data analysis techniques which is sourced from Miles and Huberman. It consists of data collection, data reduction, data models, and conclusions or verification. The data validity checking uses the technique of source data triangulation. The results of this study are that the strategy which is used in the administration of the cluster program of Bank Indonesia in East Kalimantan Province on MSME productivity in LubukSawah Village, Mugirejo, Samarinda. The type of cluster is cattle cluster. This type provides training on animal husbandry, institutions, marketing and technology provision, integrated cattle pens, meeting rooms which are used by the Damarwulan Cattle Group. The Cluster Program of Bank Indonesia in East Kalimantan Province for the Damarwulan Cattle Group has been running and implemented effectively.It is proved from the increased knowledge or skills regarding the cattle breeding and institutions due to the training from Bank Indonesia in East Kalimantan Province. Moreover,the number of cow products sales and sales turnoveralso increasing. This improvement is the result of the training or marketing which had been provided. The government feels satisfied because the program of 2 million cattles ran smoothly, as evidenced by the increasing number of cattle, and increasing income and sales every year.
 Keywords: Effectiveness, Cluster, Bank Indonesia, MSME

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