
The impact of recurrent stroke is heavier than the first attack because it increases mortality and disability which adds to the economic burden, decreases the quality of life of post-stroke patients. Lifestyle changes that cause recurrent stroke have an impact on reducing human resource productivity. The government program through GERMAS, namely CERDIK and PATUH programs was modified by researchers to prevent recurrent strokes by behaving in a healthy behavior used online and offline booklet media. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing health education on the CERDIK and PATUH lifestyle to prevent recurrent stroke in post-stroke patients. This research design was quasi-experiment pre and post-test without control. Sampling was done using the non-probability sampling technique by accidental sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 20 respondents. The questionnaire used was the questionnaire on the health behavior of CERDIK and PATUH to prevent recurrent strokes and the risk form for stroke events. The statistic test used Wilcoxon with the value of p=0.002 (p < 0.05) which means there is an effect of education on the behavior of stroke sufferers in preventing recurrent stroke. Then the risk of stroke event with the value of p=0.001 (p < α) which means there is an effect of education on preventing the risk of recurrent stroke. Therefore, it is hoped that post-stroke patients can be given health education on the CERDIK and PATUH behavior to prevent recurrent strokes.


  • Stroke berulang merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang terjadi pada seseorang yang pernah mengalami stroke dan jika sudah terjadi stroke berulang akan memiliki risiko lebih besar mengalami stroke berulang selanjutnya (Misbach, 2011)

  • This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing health education on the CERDIK and PATUH lifestyle to prevent recurrent stroke in post-stroke patients

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan risiko kejadian stroke berulang sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi kesehatan Pola Hidup Sehat CERDIK dan PATUH pencegahan stroke berulang. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengisi kuesioner menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi data sebelum dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan terstruktur sebanyak 3 sesi (3 kali kunjungan), kemudian diukur juga risiko stroke berulang menggunakan instrumen risiko stroke. Setelah diberikan Pendidikan kesehatan Pola Hidup Sehat CERDIK dan PATUH, maka diukur kembali Perilaku CERDIK dan PATUH serta risiko stroke berulang. Analisis yang digunakan untuk melihat perbedaan perilaku penderita stroke dan risiko stroke berulang, pre dan post intervensi pengaruh edukasi Kesehatan pola hidup CERDIK dan menggunakan T berpasangan, jika tidak data tidak terdistribusi normal maka menggunakan uji alternatif yaitu Uji Wilcoxon. Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Kelompok Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Pendidikan Terakhir dan

Frekuensi Stroke
Risiko Rendah f
Berulang di RSUD
Perilaku Mencegah Stroke Pada Penderita HIpertensi di Kelurahan Jarum Kecamatan
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