
Gambier is obtained from the extraction of leaves and young twigs of Uncaria gambir, a shrub that grows in Indonesia. Gambier contains tannin by 20% to 55% so that can be used as a vegetable tanning material using the C-RFP system (C=Conditioning, R=Rapid, F=Fass (drum), P=Powder). This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of gambier as a vegetable tanning material using the C-RFP system. Pickled leather underwent a tanning process using the C-RFP system with gambier as the tanning material at various percentages, namely by 15%, 20%, and 25%, to be processed as leather for jackets. The variations of oil used to keep the leather supple were 12.5%, 15%, and 17.5%. The tanned leather was then tested in terms of its organoleptic, physical, chemical, and morphological properties. Results of the organoleptic test and most of the results of the physical test showed that leather for jackets which was tanned using a vegetable tanning material met the requirements set out by SNI 4593: 2011 (sheepskin/goatskin leather for jackets). Results of the SEM test indicated that leather for jackets which was tanned using a vegetable tanning material displayed dense and strong skin tissue, and this proves that gambier is very effective for vegetable tanning using the C-RFP system. Keywords: C-RFP, gambier, vegetable tanning, environmentally friendly.


  • Gambier is obtained from the extraction of leaves

  • Gambier contains tannin by 20% to 55% so that can be used as a vegetable tanning material using the Conditioning - Rapid Fass Powder (C-RFP) system

  • The tanned leather was then tested in terms

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BAHAN DAN METODE Bahan Penelitian

Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kulit pikel, bahan penyamak gambir, Sodatan TSN, Sodapelt CL, syntan, resin, glutaraldehida, cat dasar, minyak, dan asam formiat. Agar kulit menjadi lemas seperti pada penyamakan krom perlu peminyakan yang sesuai sehingga diperlukan variasi penggunaan minyak untuk proses peminyakan. Tahapan penyamakan kulit jaket pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: kulit pikel dilakukan pretanning dengan menggunakan air pikel 100%, garam 7%, dan Sodatan TSN 4%, diputar 60 menit, lalu dibuang airnya. Kulit kemudian diretanning dengan air 45oC sebanyak 100%, syntan 3%, diputar 60 menit, resin 3%, diputar 60 menit, glutaraldehida 4%, diputar 60 menit, cat dasar 2% diputar 60 menit, dan peminyakan menggunakan konsentrasi minyak seperti di atas, diputar selama 90 menit. Kulit jaket yang dihasilkan diuji sesuai dengan SNI 4593:2011 Kulit jaket domba/kambing, dan juga uji SEM untuk mengetahui morfologi kulit

Elastis Elastis
Syarat Mutu rata Tidak lepas elastis
UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada
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