
Victims as the injured party as a result of a criminal act shall receive compensation, one form of restitution. Awarded restitution to victims to reduce the suffering of the victims as a result of criminal offenses committed by offenders, especially to the victims of criminal acts. This restitution was arranged in Law No. 31 of 2014 on The Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Related effectiveness restitution for victims of crime also a form of state responsibility in an effort to protect its citizens. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of giving restitution for victim of crime and analyze those obstacles facing witness and victim protection agencies (LPSK) in the implementation of the provision of restitution based on Law Number 31 of 2014 about witness and victim protection. Based on the result of study, it is known that giving restitution for victims of this crime it is said to be effective, until the process of granting restitution for the offender to the victim, but about how gifted as well monitoring conducted by LPSK to the victim after receiving restitution, it is said to be less effective, because there is no data associated with it. Then, associated with those obstacles faced with LPSK in facilitating, the provision of assistance for victims the crime is lack of human resources and the lack of budged in the process of the facilitating the provision of restitution.


  • Victims as the injured party as a result of a criminal act shall receive compensation, one form of restitution

  • Awarded restitution to victims to reduce the suffering of the victims as a result of criminal offenses committed by offenders

  • This restitution was arranged in Law No. 31

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Proses penegakan hukum (peradilan pidana) bertumpu pada hukum pidana dan acara pidana, negara melalui organ-organnya mempunyai hak atau kewenangan untuk menjatuhkan pidana (ius puniendi). Di sini jika terjadi tindak pidana, maka terhadap pelakunya akan ditindak melalui proses peradilan dengan memberi sanksi pidana. Korban tindak pidana dan masyrakat secara otomatis diwakili oleh negara dengan cara mengadili dan menjatuhkan pidana yang setimpal dengan perbuatan terdakwa. “pembalasan” dari seseorang yang dirugikan terhadap pelaku kejahatan (asas talio) masih diperkenankan. “Dalam rangka menumbuhkan masyarakat untuk mengungkap tindak pidana, perlu diciptakan iklim yang kondusif dengan cara memberikan perlindungan hukum dan keamanan kepada setiap orang yang mengetahui atau menemukan suatu hal yang dapat membantu mengungkapkan tindak pidana yang telah terjadi dan melaporkan hal tersebut kepada penegak hukum.”. Korban lebih rentan terhadap akibat perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku, salah satunya terhadap korban tindak pidana asusila. Salah satu proses perlindungan korban tersebut dengan adanya pemberian restitusi dari pihak pelaku kejahatan kepada korban.

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