
This type of research is quasi-experimental, aiming to analyze the effectiveness of online learning for PNS Accountability training for CPNS class II latsar participants at BPSDM Prov. Southeast Sulawesi. The research sample, all participants of Latsar Group II amounted to 40 people. Collecting data using questionnaires and assignment sheets. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate, using paired T test. The results of the study found that the average pre-test 77.8 (satisfactory) and the post test 85.6 (satisfactory), there was an increase in the value of 10.02%. The results of the paired T-test obtained a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, this means that there is a significant difference in the average value of respondents, before and after online learning. It can be concluded that online learning for PNS accountability training is considered effective in achieving learning objectives. Although the online learning method has several shortcomings, but the learning objectives are considered to be achieved effectively, the researchers suggest that the online learning method for the further PNS Accountability training can be carried out in both new normal and normal conditions.


  • Jenis penelitian ini kuasi eksperimen, bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pembelajaran daring mata diklat Akuntabilitas PNS pada peserta latsar Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) golongan II di BPSDM Prov

  • all participants of Latsar Group II amounted to 40 people

  • there was an increase in the value of 10.02%

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Abdul Kahar Muzakir Sinapoy

Dengan adanya pandemi Covid 19, pemerintah telah berupaya dalam menekan penyebaran virus Covid 19, diantaranya pemberlakuan physical distancing. Salah satu dampaknya pada sektor pendidikan dan pelatihan, terjadi perubahan proses pembelajaran dan pelatihan yang semula secara tatap muka langsung (klasikal) digantikan metode pembelajaran secara dalam jaringan (daring atau e-learning) (Pembinaan et al, 2021). Fasilitator menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dalam format makalah atau slide presentasi kemudian peserta pelatihan dapat mendengarkan presentasi tersebut secara langsung melalui jaringan internet. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis efektivitas pembelajaran daring mata diklat Akuntabilitas pada peserta Latsar CPNS Golongan II Tahun 2021 di BPSDM Prov. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh metode pembelajaran daring mata diklat Akuntabilitas PNS terhadap efektivitas pencapaian hasil belajar peserta latsar CPNS golongan II tahun 2021 di BPSDM Prov. Cara penghitungan persentase rerata (x) kenaikan hasil belajar peserta latsar menggunakan rumus:

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