
Learning model applied by the teacher guessed not create a learning atmosphere that involve the students optimally. One of the efforts to solve the problem is use inquiry method, because this method involves the students actively and creatively. This study aims to know the effectiveness of inquiry learning method in the third grade SMP IT Al Munir Sukoharjo on the circle material. The population of this study is all of the third grade students in the even semester SMP IT Al Munir Sukoharjo in the academic year 2014-2015 total 230 students. Based on the findings, it concluded that inquiry method is effective for learning activity seen from the process and students learning outcome in circle material seen from the process include the teacher capability in learning process is 76%, students activity is 75%, students response is 77,17% and if seen from learning outcome that achieve Minimum Completeness Criteria classically is 81,25%. Keywords: inquiry learning method, effectiveness learning model

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