
This research were to see the difference between learning motivation of students in the experimental group taught by applying group guidance service through understanding the verses of Alquran in pretest and posttest, the difference between learning motivation of the students in the experimental group taught by applying group guidance service throught understanding the verses of Alquran and that of the students in the countrol group taught by applying group guidance service without understanding the verses of Alquran in pretest and posttest, and the difference between learning motivation of the students in the experimental group guidance services throught understanding the verses of a Alquran and that of students in the control group guidance taught by applying group guidance service throught understanding the verses of Alquran. This research aplied pretest posttest control group design. Throught this research, the researcher gave a pretest to both sample groups. They then got different treatment. After the treatment was done, a posttest was administrated to both groups. This kind of eksperimental researches would ensure that the difference (if the result is different) occurs between the experimental group and the control group is as the influence of the treatment given. The resesarch findings indicated that learning motivation of the students taught by applying group guidance service throught understanding the verses of Alquran increased.


  • Pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya di dalam meningkatkan sumber daya manusia yaitu manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Allah SWT, berbudi pekerti luhur, mandiri, cerdas, kreatif, dan terampil

  • This research were to see the difference between learning motivation of students in the experimental group taught by applying group guidance service through understanding the verses of Alquran in pretest and posttest, the difference between learning motivation of the students in the experimental group taught by applying group guidance service throught understanding the verses of Alquran and that of the students in the countrol group taught by applying group guidance service without understanding the verses of Alquran in pretest and posttest, and the difference between learning motivation of the students in the experimental group guidance services throught understanding the verses of a Alquran and that of students in the control group guidance taught by applying group guidance service throught understanding the verses of Alquran

  • After the treatment was done, a posttest was administrated to both groups. This kind of eksperimental researches would ensure that the difference occurs between the experimental group and the control group is as the influence of the treatment given

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Jenis penelitian yang cocok untuk menguji hipotesis adalah penelitian quasi experiment (eksperimen semu). Metode penelitian eksperimen merupakan metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkendalikan (Sugiyono, 2010:72). Penelitian ini menggunakan pretest posttest control group design. Pada penelitian ini memiliki dua kelompok yang kemudian diberi pretest untuk mengetahui keadaan awal. Kemudian diberi perlakuan pada kedua kelompok dengan perlakuan yang berbeda. Setelah perlakuan selesai maka diberi posttest pada kedua kelompok. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Tingkat reliabilitas instrumen penelitian ini sebesar 0,842. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan cara menghitung skor motivasi belajar siswa. Norma kategori skala motivasi belajar siswa dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1 berikut ini

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