
ABSTRACT Facing the adaptation of new habits (IMR) towards a productive and safe society against COVID-19, the Minister of Health issued a Minister of Health Decree number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 382/2020 concerning Health Protocols. The target in this study is the availability of a Covid-19 Health Protocol Compliance Effectiveness Study for Informal sector workers at Mallengkeri Terminal. This research is a quantitative method with cross sectional design. The research was conducted at Mallengkeri Terminal. The population in this study were all Mallengkeri Terminal drivers with a total sample of 97 respondents using accidental sampling technique. The results showed that there were 88 respondents (90.7%) who were good and 9 respondents (9.3%) who were not good enough in the effectiveness of compliance with the COVID-19 health protocol. The statistical test results showed that the achievement of goals and results (p = 0.004), target group satisfaction (p = 0.357), maintenance systems (p = 0.236), action (p = 0.068), facilities (p = 0.288), and motivation ( p = 0.744). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that only the achievement of goals and outcomes variables have a significant relationship with the effectiveness of compliance with the COVID-19 health protocol, while the other variables have no relationship


  • Kasus pneumonia dilaporkan pertama kali pada Desember 2019 di Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei China, terdapat lima pasien yang dirawat dengan Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) yang ternyata menunjukkan etiologi coronavirus baru (Ren et al, 2020)

  • This study looks for the availability of a Covid-19 Health Protocol Compliance Effectiveness Study for Informal sector workers at Mallengkeri Terminal

  • (2020) ‘Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Keterampilan Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan COVID-19 di DKI Jakarta’, Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic, 4(2), pp

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Tamat Perguruan Tinggi

Hasil analisis karakteristik responden pada Tabel 1 menunjukkan bahwa distribusi karakteristik responden berdasarkan kelompok umur terbanyak yaitu kelompok umur 31-40 tahun sebanyak 29 responden (29,9%). Sedangkan distribusi karakteristik responden yang paling sedikit yaitu kelompok umur < 50 tahun sebanyak 9 responden (9,3%). Distribusi karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 78 responden (80,4%) berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan sebanyak 19 responden (19,6%). Frekuensi tertinggi berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan terakhir yang ditempuh responden di Terminal Mallengkeri yaitu tamat SMA/SMK/Sederajat sebanyak 37 responden (38,1%) dan terendah yaitu tidak tamat SD sebanyak 5 responden (5,2%). Sistem Pemeliharaan, Tindakan, Fasilitas, dan Motivasi) pada Pedagang di Pasar Lakessi Kota Parepare

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