
This report analyzes the Ogan Komering Ulu District Disaster Management Agency's effectiveness in various areas of disaster management. The study involved conducting field surveys, interviews with disaster management officers, and analyzing statistical data. Results indicate that the agency has been successful in implementing production function and efficiency, as officers have been able to prevent casualties and minimize goods losses during disasters. However, there are still challenges when it comes to community satisfaction, particularly in relation to the rescue of goods and pets. Nevertheless, officers and stakeholders are content with the efforts made. Adaptation has been a strong suit for the officers, who have performed well in adapting to the environment around the scene. The recent technological advancements have also helped improve the agency's performance through education and training provided by the local government. However, there is room for improvement in community satisfaction in various aspects of disaster management. To address these concerns, the report suggests enhancing coordination with the community, staying updated on technological developments, and addressing areas of dissatisfaction. Overall, the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency has achieved satisfactory performance.Keywords: Disaster, Effectiveness, Management, Performance, Regional Disaster Management Agency.

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