
This study aims to describe the role of school public relations in the implementation of education at SMP IT Ar-Raihan Bandar Lampung which is related to: 1) The role of school public relations in planning school programs, 2) the role of school public relations in implementing school programs, 3) the role of school public relations. in the activities of supervising school programs, 4) the role of school public relations in evaluating school programs, 5) forms of community support in the implementation of education. The method in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Informants in this study were principals, public relations, educators. Data collection techniques in this study using interview and documentation techniques, test the validity of the data using triangulation, namely triangulation of sources and data. The results of this study indicate that: In the activities of planning school programs at SMP IT Ar-Raihan, public relations contribute to providing proposals for a program that will be run. In school program implementation activities, public relations contribute to promoting school programs through social media such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, and websites. Then in the activities of supervising school programs, public relations contribute to overseeing the programs being run to find out whether the program is running or not. For school program evaluation activities can be carried out by public relations by evaluating old programs, analyzing new programs, and fixing programs. In line with that, the form of support from the parents of students to SMP IT Ar-Raihan is in the form of procurement of fees.

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