
In 2010-2012, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) described one of eight people of the world's population suffering from malnutrition. Most (as many as 852 million) live in developing countries. Based on the results of Riskesdas in 2013, there are 19.6 (%) cases of malnourished children under five, as many as 5.7 (%) infants suffered from malnutrition. Factors that cause malnutrition in infants are external and internal factors. External factors are knowledge and patterns of nutrition (Proverawati, 2007). The aim of mother class of toddler-age is to improve mother's knowledge for better behavioral in providing good nutrients for infant-toddler nutrition. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the implementation in mother class of toddler-age towards knowledge and their behavior about breast milk substitute food for age 6-12 month in Wedi Public Health Center area of Klaten Regency. This is an experimental quasi research. The actual population is all mother of children with age 6-12 months in region of Wedi, Klaten (as many as 411 mothers). Sampling technique is a cluster sampling based on Harry King sample (value 0.5%), divided into treatment group and control group, each 50 people, with total amount 100 respondents. Result of hypothesis test using Mann-Whitney Test, both knowledge and behavior variable has value (p=0,001). The conclusion is that the mother class of toddler-age is effective to change mother's knowledge and behavior about breast milk substitute food for age 6-12 month in Wedi Public Health Center area of Klaten Regency.

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