
The effect of KOH concentration on soap has been done using the basic ingredients of Virgin Coconut Oil. This soap is a product development of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Soaps are made from oil reactions and alkaline solutions on a laboratory scale through a cold process using KOH as the alkaline solution. The KOH concentration used was 30% w / v, 40% w / v, 50% w / v, 60% w / v and 70% w / v as the independent variable and as the fixed variable was ice agitation time for 30 min with temperature used 28 0C. The quality of soap is analyzed by determining free fatty acids, free alkali, unabsorbed fat, moisture content, and pelicans oil. From this study it turns out that the greater the concentration of KOH used to produce soap that the harder the texture. The quality of the resulting soap in accordance with the SNI for the free alkali is in the addition of KOH 40% b /v 0.13% free alkali in accordance with the maximum SNI of 0.14%, free fatty acid at the addition of 50% KOH 6.5 according to SNI 2.5 - 7.5, unabsorbed fat at 40% KOH addition 2.42 according to the maximum SNI of 2.5, the pelicans oil at the addition of 50% negative KOH in accordance with the SNI shall not have pelicans oil. It can be concluded that the addition of KOH concentration resulting in good soap and in accordance with SNI is between 40% and 50%

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