
Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) are used as traditional medicine intreatment of liver diseases. This study aimed to figure out the hepatoprotective effectof breadfruit leaves infusion in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in malealbino rats. The study used 25 male albino rats of Sprague-Dawley strain, which weredivided randomly into five groups. Group I (normal control group) and group II(carbon tetrachloride-induced control group) only received 0,5% carboxymethylcellulose(CMC) solution. Group III-V received different dose of breadfruit leaves infusionfor seven days respectively, which were 13,5 g/kgBW (dose 1), 27 g/kg BW (dose2) and 54 g/kg BW (dose 3). On 7th day, all groups, excepted the normal group, wereinduced by 0,4 ml/kgBW dose of carbon tetrachloride perorally two hours after the lastbreadfruit leaves infusion given. Parameters of liver damage were estimated by measuringthe activity of plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT), the concentration oflipid peroxide in liver, and the concentration of lipid peroxide in plasma. The resultsof ANOVA (pl0,05) demonstrated that breadfruit leaves infusion at a dose of 54 g/kgBW (dose 3) consumed for seven days respectively before 0,4 ml/kgBW dose ofcarbon tetrachloride-induced had hepatoprotective effect estimated by the activity ofplasma ALT and the concentration of lipid peroxide in liver.

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