
Authors searched actions of Cymbopogon citratus-Stapf aquous extract, 2% concentration, on montility of smooth muscle. It were performed 10 (ten) experiments, each of them consisted of the motility record of a segment of duodenum from male Wistar rats maintained in a Tyrode solution water-bath to isolated organ. Physiological parameters (temperature, pH, oxigen supply) were controled to obtain the functional nature of organ motility. It were realized three records to each experiment in this sequency: First record: control record (standard) from motility of duodenum smooth muscle in Tyrode bath. Second record: after addition of 0,5 ml physiological solution before the third record, the bath liquid was entirely substituted and the organ was washed tith Tyrode solution. Third record: after 15 (fifteen) minutes from the addition of Cymbopogon citratus-Stapf tea 2% concentration, it was add 0,5ml acetylcholine solution (11,8165 Mg in 50 ml physiological solution).It was verified that it shows a significant difference between 2nd and third record groups compared whit control records (first record groups) on smooth muscle motility of isolated duodenum from Wistar male rats.

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