
The healing is a complex biological event that involves inflammation, chemotaxis, cells proliferation, differentiation and remodeling. In Brazilian popular medicine, the "Aroeira" is used to treat different situations The anastomotic healing is always a preoccupation among surgeons. The fail in intestinal anastomosis leads to fistulas and dehiscences. To evaluate the effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Brazilian pepper tree) in the healing of colonic anastomosis. Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided in two groups (Aroeira and control), each one with 20 animals, according to the treatment received after the anastomosis (Aroeira extract or saline solution 0,9%) and each group was divided in two subgroups (C3 and C7 and A3 and A7,) according to the euthanasia day (at 3rd and at 7th). The macroscopic, microscopic and bursting pressure measurements were performed. To evaluate the groups, the non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney was applied. In the macroscopic aspects, there was no significant difference between the Aroeira and the control group, both at the 3rd and the 7th days. When compared the subgroups of microscopic analysis at the 3rd day, the difference between the Aroeira and the control group was significant in the variables congestion (p = 0.005), polymorphonuclears (p = 0.034), mononuclears (p = 0.023), fibroblastic proliferation (p = 0.023) and at the healing stage (p = 0.001). At the 7th day analysis, the difference between the Aroeira and the control group was significant in all the variables of microscopic analysis. No significant differences were found in the bursting pressure. It was observed a favorable effect of Aroeira, at microscopic level, in the healing process of colonic anastomosis.

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