
The object of this work is to study the effect of exogen adminístration of secretin and cholecystokinin pancreozymin, (CCK-PZ) on the flow of pancreatic juíce, total proteín and amylase activity in the chícken.Porcine secretin at a dose of 5 U/kg body weight, by rapíd intravenous ínjectíon, had a clear actíon stimulatíng the chicken's pancreatic exocrine secretion flow (increase 155 %). No signíficant changes were observed on total protein concentración, but amylase activity decreased 35%. CCK-PZ from pig intestinal mucosa administered at a dose of 5 U/kg body weight in the same way dcreased both secretion flow (100%) and amylase activity (107%). Potentiation did not occur when both hormones were administered jointly (5 U of secretin plus 5 U of CCK-PZ/kg body weight). These results may reflect differences in the structural properties of avían versus mammalian secretin and CCK-PZ or simply differences in the metabofc clearance rates of mammalian secretin and CCK-PZ in birds and mammals.

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