
Problems arise due to the increasing scarcity of water and with a use in disorder, with an unknown demand since it is not monitored (FAO 2013) on the other hand, the enormous value of this precious resource is unknown, since there is no information detailed on the agricultural reality in the region, or it is in deficit and cannot be used. Crop irrigation scheduling is to provide, in a timely manner, the appropriate amount of water to the plant to prevent loss of yield and quality of agricultural products. Which depend on the interaction between the climate, soil and characteristics of the plant. According to data provided by FAO (2006) for the year 2050, the volume of water in developing countries will be able to considerably increase their production, increasing irrigated crops by around 33%, but using only 12% more water. FERERES and CONNOR (2004) mention that irrigation is the main use of water that is consumed globally, reaching a proportion that exceeds 70 to 80% of the total in arid and semi-arid areas. Globally, irrigation represents 40% of the total but about 17% is used to cultivate the land dedicated to food production. In Ecuador, the production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) represents an important item in the agricultural sector linked to this activity; It is cultivated both on the coast and in the inter-Andean valleys. hectares as an associated crop, with a production that borders 6,955 tons according to production, the area is 4.89 t / ha, being the the coastal provinces of Guayas, Manabi? and Esmeraldas, those with the highest production.

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