
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification is used in many applications. Typically, this classification is implemented based on methods which consist of two steps. These steps are known as the step of signal preprocessing and the step of the classification. The signal preprocessing step transforms initial signal into classification attributes. According to several studies, this transformation can result in the loss of some useful information and, consequently, the formed classification attributes are uncertain. This information loss can be taken into account if the classification attributes are fuzzy and the fuzzy classifiers are used at the step of classification itself. The transformation of initial EEG signal into fuzzy attributes needs one more procedure at the step of signal preprocessing. This procedure is fuzzification. An approach based on fuzzy classifiers for EEG signal classification is considered in this article. The approach is evaluated based on two classifiers: fuzzy decision tree and fuzzy random Forest. The classification accuracy is 99.5% for fuzzy decision tree and 99.3% for fuzzy random forest. The comparison with similar studies based on non-fuzzy classifiers indicates that fuzzy classifiers are effective tool for EEG signal classification and have best classification accuracy.

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