
Abstract We investigate the Mott insulating phases of a two-component bosonic lattice gas in the presence of gauge field. Such a system is described by a two-leg ladder model with an unconventional flux. The synthetic flux is generated by the spin-dependent tunneling and the site-dependent spin-flip. In the Mott regime, these two effects lead to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction and an external field that is rotating in the xy-plane. We obtain a very general XYZ model with the DM interaction, the spiral field, and the transverse field. Various interesting magnetic Hamiltonians can be covered by adjusting lattice parameters. The DM interaction or the spiral field can lead to spiral order when they appear alone. The interplay of DM coupling and spiral field leads to the emergence of a new multi-frequency spiral order between the paramagnetic phase and the spiral ferromagnetic phase. Ground state phases are investigated by focusing on order parameters, spin-spin correlation functions, and structure factors. Calculations are performed by using time evolution block decimation (TEBD) based on matrix product state (MPS).

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