
Network virtualization provides the substruction of various heterogeneous Virtual Networks (VNs) on a single physical infrastructure which is called Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) and is known as an Np-hard problem. The VNE includes two sub-problem; virtual node mapping and virtual link mapping. Related works do not consider network topology and energy efficiency in the embedding process. This paper proposes Energy Efficient, Concurrent, and Topology-Aware (EE-CTA) algorithm as a new concurrent VNE method. Also, EE-CTA is energy-efficient due to using servers status and renewable energy resources when they are available. Our proposed EE-CTA has focused on network topology with assigning reachability rank to resources. In order to achieve all of these goals, we model VNE as a multi-objective optimization problem and solve it by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). We compare EE-CTA with Presto, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Topology and Migration-Aware Energy Efficient (TMAE), and RW-Max match methods. The evaluation results demonstrate our method improves revenue, acceptance ratio, cost, and energy usage.

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