
In line with the State's commitment to the importance of inculcating character for the survival of the Indonesian people, Indonesian Migrant Workers as part of a group of people who want to find a decent living to fulfill their needs by leaving their hometown for years looking for work abroad so they need to get an education. Character. The existence of Indonesian Migrant Workers is felt to be increasingly important to pay attention to considering their condition seems to be a marginalized society. Migrant workers are a group of people who are getting to know the civilization of the outside world, which requires controlling and adjusting to a new social life for themselves so that the presence of the government (the state) is a place of protection as well as a determinant of survival for workers from various threats originating from outside, both internal and external. physical and non-physical, such as the spread of Radicalism today. The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the state has an important role in cultivating and growing character values for Indonesian Migrant Workers through strengthening Character Education before leaving to become migrant workers. The research method used is a qualitative method with an educational approach. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques in the form of scientific journals and books written by competent authors. While the study of data analysis using content analysis techniques. The findings of this study are that Indonesian Migrant Workers have not received an adequate portion of character education, thus, if prepared properly, it will become a forum for dignified human development, especially in preparing human resources who have noble character qualities and are ready to work abroad. . On the contrary, it will be a source of disaster when the noble character of migrant workers is ignored or does not get adequate attention. This research supports Doni Kusuma's character theory and Imam Al-Gazali's moral strengthening. The conclusion of the study is that optimizing character education for Indonesian migrant workers can prevent the transmission of radicalism and strengthen the nation's dignity in the midst of world civilization which has an impact on the realization of Confidence-building measures (CBMs) and national security.

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