
Educational activities have been carried out about dengue fever and its prevention in Gampong Lubok Batee, Want Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. Based on the data, dengue cases are still found in the gampong. Therefore, educational activities are carried out that aim to increase people's knowledge and insight regarding disease, prevention, and surrounding natural ingredients that can be used as alternative treatments for dengue fever. The method used is in the form of presentations and questions and answers with participants. Participants in this activity were 23 women from the Gampong Lubok Batee community. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it was found that the participants' knowledge about dengue fever was quite good, but it was still very low regarding how it spreads, the percentage was 30-47%. Participants' knowledge about natural ingredients that can be used as an alternative treatment for dengue fever is also very good, where the percentage of answers is 100%, but knowledge about how to process them is still lacking with a percentage of 78%. After education, participants were able to understand about disease, prevention, and natural ingredients around them that could be used as alternatives in treating dengue fever.

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