
Resistance among educators to using artificial intelligence (AI) may yield significant disadvantages. Without AI, educators risk a higher workload, inefficient use of time, limited personalization, lack of feedback, inability to adapt, reduced student engagement, fewer job opportunities, and limited professional development. However, AI is designed to empower educators, enhance instructional practices, and foster professional growth. In the field of medicine, reluctance to adopt AI could hinder students from being equipped with vital skills in tackling the modern health-care situation. By leveraging AI tools, educators can create dynamic learning environments, producing better-trained health-care professionals ready to tackle evolving challenges. AI integration enhances education quality and prepares students for technological advancements in their medical careers, ensuring they are equipped to navigate the complexities of modern health-care practice. Thus, AI adoption in education is essential for maintaining the competitiveness and relevance of curricula in the AI age.

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