
This article reports on the first part of a study by a group of Trainee Educational Psychologists at Manchester University. They will carry out follow-up case study visits to Educational Psychology Services (EPSs). It is hoped that they will be able to provide a further report forDebateon the qualitative data from the current survey and the case study visits.The use of therapeutic interventions by educational psychologists (EPs) seems to feature more in EP practice now than in the past. This raises some thoughts for consideration, both as an outcome of the research reported here, and also with regard to the imminent review of the future role of educational psychology. To take this work forward the profession should be considering:What kind of training do practicing and trainee EPs need to be therapists?How might EPSs promote and support EPs as therapists?How and who would evaluate the effectiveness of the therapeutic interventions?What kind and quantity of supervision would EPs need access to and would this be specialist and different from cπirenl practice?

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