
The paradox of American Education today is that the total discipline of learning is based upon ideas for the improvement of the race, yet the curriculum of the school, from the earliest through the university, frequently excludes many of the vital teachings upon which interracial betterment depends. Those who control the schools are largely motivated by attitudes which represent a direct antithesis of the broad and liberal points of view upon which programs of race education should be founded. Many glib tongues pay lip service to a program of socialized education. The expression of educators who would give vicarious service to such a program are impressive and high sounding, but meaningless. All of these set the verbal pace for American education. They are shells without kernels. Occasionally, we are permitted to read the post-mortem description of some brave teacher who has attempted to gear the school program to the realities of life.' But it is no exaggeration to state that those who have attempted programs of race betterment have frequently run headlong into conflict with the vested interests.2 Communities manifest violent reactions to ideas or usages which challenge or question values which are commonly referred to as traditional.

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