
Abstract The HL-Survey-EU-2011 showed limited health literacy (HL) among the Austrian population (51,6%). “On health course - health literacy in Feldbach” focuses on individual and organizational HL. As a part of the project, an education program for multipliers from 11 companies to promote health literacy of employees and customers took place in autumn 2019. Basic knowledge on 'finding, understanding, evaluating and applying of health information' and 'health communication' represented the basic structure of the training and supported the participants in the implementation. The training for the multipliers (n = 12) was divided into 3 focus areas, each was structured in 2 modules. Individual health literacy, organizational health literacy and special approaches to promoting health literacy were important components of the program. In this context, the quality criteria of health information were content of the training. Subsequently, there were inputs concerning health communication. In order to be able to evaluate health information critically, the multipliers learned how they recognize good and reputable health information and where they can find it. The participants studied how they could prepare and provide good health information for their employees and customers. The participants implemented projects to increase health literacy in their companies. The evaluation showed that the structure and content of the education program was appropriate. The attendees were able to put what they had learned into practice. The difficulty lay in conveying numerous contents in a very short time (3 days/8 ours). The different industries and company sizes of the participating companies and the resulting different needs also presented a major challenge during the training. With the content of the training and the experience of project implementation, a massive open online course (MOOC) is being created, which will be offered to all companies and interested parties in autumn 2020. Key messages It is important to train multipliers in order to increase the organization-related health literacy. The provision of practical examples for the implementation of measures to promote HL is crucial for the success of an HL education program.

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