
Education is an important for students. Based on the recapitulation of the senior high school exam by Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD), the average exam results for biology in 2017 below graduation level and the value is 45.01. This is because of limited class hours. For this reason, new media is needed to help students deepen the lesson, in this case the media is game. Educational game is one of the media that can be used to provide education to players through interactive media. In its making, this game uses the MDA framework, which is to analyze game design by breaking it into three components, mechanical, dynamic and aesthetic. In previous paper, MDA was used to create educational games in the form of semaphore movements on kinect. So this study made an immune system educational game design with the result that MDA can be applied into the education game Sel Imun as needed based on a post-test conducted on 30 respondents in the category of gamers, non-gamers, non-gamers, and non-gamers non-gamer students with the result that each MDA component can be applied to the Sel Imun game that is obtained from testing the suitability of the game's final result with the pre-designed questionnaire with 82.69% result or into the suitable category.
 Keywords–– Educational Games, Learning, National Exam, Immune System, MDA.

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