
Education of surveyors in the Republic of Serbia h as a long tradition. The first higher education in the field of surveying in Serbia dates since 1808, when the Be lgrade Higher school was founded, while the first a ctivities in the field of surveying measurements in Serbia dated to the end of XVIII century, when Geodetic service of Austro- Hungarian Empire started the survey at the northern part of Serbia. That was the time when surveyors h ad only technical skills, but due to changes in a country a nd society as a whole, nowadays, we have completely another picture about this profession. This paper will focu s on education of surveyors in the field of real es tate market valuation and benefits that this knowledge gives to them. State educational institutions recognized th e importance of these skills, so it will be described the curriculu m of those institutions, together with the changes in a society that had a great influence on changing surveying profession. Main focus will be given to subjects dealing with real estate market and real estate market valuation on Belgrade University College of Applied Sciences for Civil Eng ineering and Geodesy, together with Faculty of Civil Engineer ing, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, University of Belgrade.

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