
Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of raising the moral responsibility of students in non-auditing activities. Purpose. The purpose of our study is to highlight the specifics of educating the moral responsibility of students in extracurricular activities. Methods. Methods of analysis of scientific literature, generalization of theoretical and empirical data, diagnostic methods (aerobatic conversation, “brainstorming”, direct and indirect pedagogical observation), statistical methods of calculation were used to solve research problems.On the basis of the analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, the generalization of the received empirical data, the use of pedagogical diagnosis revealed the main tendencies and patterns of education of moral responsibility among students, criteria (cognitive, emotional-value, activity-practical) with the corresponding indicators, which allowed to characterize levels of moral education in students (high, average, sufficient, low). Results. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that its materials can be used in researches of the moral sphere of students of institutions of higher education, in the organization outside the classroom activities with students, teacher training, pedagogical practice of students. Originality. In the work forms (individual, microgroup, group, mass) and methods of moral responsibility education (active, verbal, discussion, creative, reflexive, diagnostic, projective, simulation) are revealed, in particular, the special course “Domestic and foreign experience of moral responsibility education in a growing personality”, Curatorial hours, training “I am morally responsible person”, forum-theater “Plots”, polemical club “Nowadays”, circle “Bibliomania”. Conclusion. In the process of education, individual, ethical, Socratic conversations, curatorial hours, special course, training, forum-theater, polemical club proved their effectiveness. Appropriate use of educational forms and methods in the process of educating students' moral responsibility in extracurricular activities has provided sustainable changes in the indicators of cognitive, emotional-value, activity-practical criteria. Issues related to the inclusion in the plans of educational work of measures for the formation of readiness for moral choice, the ability of students to make moral decisions, to assume moral responsibility need further study.

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