
Introduction. The use of digital technologies on minors can be assessed in two ways, on the one hand, they bring many benefits (online communication, the use of various research platforms for self-development, free access to information, etc.), on the other hand, they have a negative impact (cyberbullying, cyberfraud), destructive and even illegal content, immersion in the virtual world, digital addiction, etc.). The purpose of this article is to study the implementation of the rights of minors to education in the field of developing a digital educational environment. Materials and methods. The study of the problem of realizing the rights of minors to education using the digital environment was carried out by the method of sociological research, in which 500 respondents aged 13 to 18 years old, students of general and secondary vocational education institutions of the city of Yelets, Lipetsk Region (Russian Federation) took part, who were asked to answer to 6 questions on digital human rights and how to protect them. Results. The study allows us to state that adolescents aged 13 to 18 years have a low level of knowledge about existing digital rights (34%), ways to protect them (58%), negative manifestations in the network (70%), and therefore it is necessary to strengthen information and educational activities by carrying out activities aimed at the formation of a digital culture of underage citizens. Scientific novelty. The results obtained allow us to substantiate the role of the managerial component in the realization of the right to education by underage students in connection with the active introduction of various digital products and technologies into the structure of the educational process. Practical significance. The conducted research makes it possible to identify recommendations for improving the existing model of education management in the context of the digital educational environment and improving the effectiveness of minors' realization of their right to education in the digital educational reality.

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