
Education is an important vector for the development of the state and civil society. Taking into account the latest trends in education in Ukraine, namely the state of war, the coronavirus pandemic and other conditions, which in their essence contradict the normal existence and functioning of the constitutionally guaranteed right to education, this manuscript acquires scientific importance and novelty.Within the scope of scientific research, we analyzed and deduced the understanding of the terms: «education», «war», «emergency situations». Thus, under the concept of «education», the author proposes to understand a set of worldview, cultural, scientific and practical skills, abilities and competencies that are formed in the process of systematic acquisition and renewal of knowledge by a person, both individually and in specially organized institutions and premises, such as schools, universities or other educational institutions. According to the author, «war» is a conflict between two or more conflicting parties, which is characterized by the open use of weapons and violence in order to achieve political, territorial, ideological or other goals. Emergency situations, in turn, usually mean any circumstances of man-made, natural or social nature, which are characterized by a violation of the normal conditions of life of the population, have led or may lead to human and material losses, pose a threat to the life and health of citizens, cause the limitation of constitutional rights and freedoms.At the same time, the author outlined the peculiarities of the functioning of education in warring countries (Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, etc.) and presented key points from borrowing the experience of these countries regarding the provision and accessibility of education in conditions of war, namely: the development of mobile educational groups and schools in shelters, the use of distance learning, support for educational initiatives of humanitarian organizations, support for schools in temporary shelters, and adaptation of educational programs to conflict conditions.

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