
K 'EW significance is given to college education today because it is geared to life situations, because a real effort is being made to prepare students for the manifold duties which they will perform in this intricate and tumultuous world. Census figures for I930 show that So.i per cent more women were gainfully employed than in I 920, and that for the same period a 6o-per cent proportional increase of employed women are married and carrying the double responsibility of home-maker and breadwinner. Those who are solely home-makers today face the necessity of meeting ever higher and more complicated standards as home-makers, as parents, as consumers. Every woman, regardless of her occupation, is forced by the crowding impact of events to feel a greater responsibility for taking part in community, national, and international affairs, and for understanding economic and social forces. The recently acknowledged superior talents of women in the field of human relations face a rising demand in this new age which is to be devoted to pioneering in social fields. One sometimes has an opportunity in Washington to be present at a gathering of the heads of various governmental and non-governmental agencies; at such times one is deeply moved to see growing before the mind's eye the picture of the multiple units at work throughout the land co-operating, supporting, contributing, working along with a combined sense of idealism and realism, to the end that a better and more fully realized democratic life may flower in every community and section of the country. Often the gathering will be composed entirely of women who are heads of bureaus or organizations, and as one

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