
The research is based on the condition of the lack of implementation of character education in higher education. While mentioned in Law No. 20 of 2003 that the aim of national education is to form students with character traits. Universitas Medan Area as having its own characteristics in implementing a character education curriculum. The form of character education curriculum needs to be studied to become one of the models for the preparation of character education in higher education. The main objective of the study was to reveal the purpose, content/material, teaching and learning process and evaluation of character education curriculum at the Medan Area University. This research uses field research. The core activity of this research is understanding actions and events in the social setting of the object under study. The findings of the research show that: (1) the purpose of character education is to strengthen the priest, think rationally according to Islamic values, and practice akhlakul karimah; (2) character material, namely: istiqamah, honesty, responsibility, integrity, fairness, positive attitude, love, patience, self-control, hard work, social instincts, gratitude, generous humility, ambition, wisdom; (3) teaching and learning process using student centered models; (4) evaluations assessed by students are attendance, structured assignments and the ability to answer questions at the end of the semester.

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