
Problem setting. With increasing globalization challenges, the main productive force of society and the rapid socioeconomic revival of countries is human capital, which is becoming a powerful integral part of any model of innovative development. Human capital, ie knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence of people today is the driving force of the digital economy. Digitalization will significantly increase labor productivity in Ukraine and become a powerful multiplier capable of launching the Ukrainian economy in the shortest possible time and ensuring its real growth. Today, digitalization is one of the key factors in improving the education system. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Various aspects of the introduction of digitalization in the educational space have been the subject of research by foreign (K. Bassett), C. Gere, G. Creeber, G. Deree, M. Deuze, G. Creeber and R. Martin (G. Greeber & R. Martin), L. Manovich (L. Vanovich), J. Stommel (J. Stommel), M. Hand (M. Hand) and domestic (V. Bykov, D. Galkin, M. Zhaldak, M. Leshchenko, P. Matyushko, O. Ovcharuk, V. Rebrina, O. Strizhak, M. Shishkina, A. Yatsyshyn) scientists, but despite the interest shown by the scientific community, the issue of digitalization in modern educational space need further research, especially in a pandemic and the need for distance learning. Target of this research is to determine the role of education in the context of the development of digital transformation of society, the formation of “intellectual enterprises” and “intellectual industry”. Article’s main body. Today, the governments of most European countries are making significant efforts to modernize their education systems through the use of digital technologies. The development of digital education initiates the emergence of new educational practices, which in turn contributes to the transformation of the educational system as a whole. The field of education, localized by institutional, temporal and spatial frameworks, is significantly modernized due to the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process. Ukraine has also embarked on the path of digitalization, as evidenced by the adoption in 2018 of the Concept of Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020. According to the Concept, digitalization of education is a modern stage of its informatization, which provides saturation of information and educational environment with electronic and digital devices, tools, systems and electronic communication between them, which actually allows integrated interaction of virtual and physical, ie creates cyberphysical educational space. Today, based on the statutory powers, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Agency for e-Government have the greatest influence on the development of digital competencies. raising the level of digital literacy of the population. One of the main means of digitalization of education is the creation of the National Platform for Digital Education. Conclusions. It is concluded that human capital, ie knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence of people today is the driving force of the digital economy. Digitalization will significantly increase labor productivity in Ukraine and become a powerful multiplier capable of launching the Ukrainian economy in the shortest possible time and ensuring its real growth. It is noted that today digitalization is one of the key factors in improving the education system. In addition to directly affecting the effectiveness of the educational process, digitalization provides a chain of indirect benefits, in particular through digitalization, the educational process becomes more personalized, accessible and flexible, which in turn provides comfortable conditions for self-study, effective development and career growth. Education is one of the basic elements of digital innovation and the digital economy in general, a priority for the development of industrial enterprises in Industry 4.0. It is noted that in today’s conditions it is necessary to focus on such areas as the development of human capital in enterprises through lifelong learning, training, awareness of staff on innovative transformations. It is stated that today there is no doubt that the world of digital technologies in general, and education in particular, is not only a new logical stage in the development of the technological sphere of mankind, but also the entire existing legal and socio-political reality.

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