
The reasons and bases of actualization of professional training of youth in the conditions of emigration in the interwar period are found out. The formation and development of Ukrainian schooling as a basis for professional training of Ukrainians of the 1920s - 1930s in the Czechoslovak Republic and the preservation of their mental health are analyzed. It was emphasized that professional training was an integral part of the general cultural process among emigrants. It is revealed that the actualization of Ukrainian vocational training in the Western countries of the interwar period is a complex and multifaceted process that is closely related to the socio-economic and educational policy of the states that became a new homeland for Ukrainians, geography and compactness of their settlement, employment in various sectors. , the presence of professional intelligentsia in the diaspora, its national awareness, the state of religious life, etc.


  • The formation and development of Ukrainian schooling as a basis for professional training of Ukrainians of the 1920s - 1930s in the Czechoslovak

  • Ukrainian vocational training in the Western countries of the interwar period is a complex and multifaceted process that is closely related to the socio-economic and educational policy of the states that became a new homeland for Ukrainians, geography and compactness of their settlement, employment in various sectors. , the presence of professional intelligentsia in the diaspora, its national awareness, the state of religious life, etc

  • А за півроку до смерті, озвучуючи думки-мрії тисяч українців-вигнанців, які до самої могили несли любов до всього рідного і вмирали з надією, що хоч "по їх смерті для України прокинеться доля", у своєму щоденнику Софія Федорівна писала: "чи гляну ж я хоч одним оком на свою Україну, чи не почую я себе і там, в тій новій Україні, яка постала за ці 20 літ, теж "чужою", одиноким свідком давно минулого життя

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The formation and development of Ukrainian schooling as a basis for professional training of Ukrainians of the 1920s - 1930s in the Czechoslovak. Важливу роль у процесі європейської та світової інтеграції України відіграє освіта українців за межами рідної землі.

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