
Contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. Part I: Introduction. 1. Defining an Educational Framework for Indoor Air Sciences N. Boschi. Part II: Historical Perspective: Defining the Scientific Field. 2. Indoor Air Sciences: A Defined Area of Study or a Field to be Defined J. Sundell. Part III: Current Trends in Indoor Air Sciences Education. 3. Toward an Internationally Harmonized, Multiprofessional Educational Program in Indoor Air Sciences: Needs and Strategies M. Maroni. 4. Trends in the Post Graduate Educational Curriculum of The Indoor Air Sciences L. Molhave. Part IV: On-Going Educational Programs. 5. Indoor Air Science Training and Education in Finland P.J. Kalliokoski. 6. Graduate Education and Training in Indoor Air Science - A Canadian Approach F. Haghighat. 7. Indoor Air Fundamentals and Graduate Education in the Czech Republic V. Benchko, I. Holcatova. 8. The Teaching of Indoor Air Quality at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Budapest L. Banhidi. 9. Post Graduate Training on the Health Significance of Indoor Air Quality in Hungary P. Rudnai. 10. Indoor Air Quality Education at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak Republic D. Petras. 11. Environmental Engineering Educational Process in the Field of Indoor Air Sciences I. Senitkova. 12. Indoor Air Education in the Slovak Republic: Education at the Medical Faculties K. Slotova. Part V: Research and Problem Based Education. 13. Training Specialists in Occupational Medicine: The Benefitsof Research Experience in the Field of Indoor Environment G. Muzi. 14. Indoor Environmental Quality Research and Education at Harvard University H.S. Brightman, et al. 15. Problem Based Teaching in Indoor Air Sciences and Practice. Danish and International Experiences S. Kjoergaard. 16. The Assessment Techniques of the Indoor Environment: The Case of the Italian University Libraries G. Guarnerio, R. Pavesi. Part VI: Emerging Issues. 17. A Sustainable Environment Basis for Education in Indoor Air Sciences H. Levin. 18. Engineering Education for Indoor Air Specialists G. Clausen, D.P. Wyon. 19. Occupant Assessment of Indoor Air Quality G.J. Raw, D. Cpsychol. 20. Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Teaching in Indoor Air Sciences L. Morawska. Part VII: Different Educational Players for Different Audiences and Needs. 21. Federal Roles in Education and Training in the Indoor Air Sciences: Case Studies of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Involvement in Training Development and Delivery E. Feldman. 22. Education and Training in the Field of Indoor Air Sciences in Bulgaria M. Tchoutchkova. 23. Education Needs in Eastern European Countries and New Independent States L. Banhidi, V. Bencko. 24. Education in Indoor Air Sciendes in Poland A. Charkowska. 25. Education in Indoor Air Sciences in Romania I. Mocsy. 26. CIB and Education and Training in Indoor Air Sciences P.M. Bluyssen, W. Bakens. 27. Assessment of Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Children's Health A. P&aa

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