
This article, framed by the changes that accompany evolution in Education and Comparative Literature, aims to clarify the strong relationship between the character and posture of the Disney princesses and the role of women in the society of the corresponding era. Since the launch of the first Disney movie industry, the success of this company is notorious and deserved. These films have fascinated generations, and much of this charm owes much to illustrate the concerns and desires of the female audience. This article aims to explore and explain these factors based on the distinction of the three types of princesses: classic, rebellious and contemporary, with the aim of understanding and paying attention to the social and historical factors that motivated the construction and evolution of the Disney Princess stereotype to their posture and reflection of society, deepening the study on the origin and social status, clothing and appearance, posture and attitude and message and teachings of a princess of each type Cinderella, Mulan and Merida, respectively, always confronting the analysis with society of its time. Article visualizations:

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