
The present socio-political climate seems to be at a critical juncture with opportunities to revisit and reset our approaches in various contexts. With education being one of the foundational institutions of society, it is very fitting to explore how the inclusion of spirituality in education can help foster participatory democracy. Although there is an increasing interest in the role of spirituality in education, it is not without controversy. Some educators are welcoming, others are ambivalent and yet others are opposed to its inclusion. The inclusion of spirituality in education can be done through a transformative pedagogy based on a two-way relationship between educators and students. It is the belief among recent spirituality scientists that infusing spirituality in education can help students develop both holistically and intellectually. This article deals with aspects of critical thinking, social justice, personal practice, and professional practice as a starting point for educators to adapt and make it their own when considering how to include spirituality in the classroom.

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