
This work originated from a literature review focused on research questions regarding philosophy of education in the Working Group 17 (WG17) annual report of the Educational Researchers Meeting of North and Northeast in Brazil (EPENN) held every two years at the universities of the North and Northeast of Brazil. Firstly, it will make an outline of themes to present an image of philosophy that relates more to education than an imposition to substantiate or think over education. Hence, philosophies appear connected to problems that came from education, schools or pedagogical situations. Afterwards, it will discuss two papers in which the authors present a philosophical rest on cultural experiences such as Brazilian afro-descendent and Amazon cabobla culture which attempts to create an alternative image of philosophy to discuss educational experiences beyond the wall of schools. Finally, it introduces the argument in favor to consider the WG17 as ‘events’ between education and philosophies, and suggest hypothetical paths to continue studies on philosophy of education.

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