
Health education can be a challenge when facing the understanding of what education and health are, and how these definitions impact people's lives. Both health and education are synonymous with care, and they only happen effectively with people's participation. The study described here proposed to discuss the transversality between Health Education and the use of technology, as an important tool, in face of the changes, habits, and challenges that permeate the contemporary world, besides highlighting issues involving people's quality of life and lifestyle. The search was carried out on the SciELO, PePSIC and Google Acadêmico platforms, using the health descriptors: Health Education, Health Promotion and Technological Development. Six articles on the theme were found and selected. The analysis was performed by means of Content Analysis and historical-dialectical materialism, as a theoretical-methodological reference. Thus, there are still fallacies in the integral health care and well-being of the population, and there is a persistent demand for the creation of strengthened networks that favor health care and social protection, through intersectorial and interdisciplinary work, that can a fair, healthy, and sustainable society.

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