
The article focuses on cultural-historical education and describes the process of forming the competence to preserve and appreciate national and local heritage in a universal context. The author highlights the role of non-formal education in preparing students to cherish and protect national history and cultural values. The study argues for the need to value cultural heritage in the education of the younger generation, intellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively and morally. The aim of the current article is to present the educational project „Chisinau of the Great Union” as a way of valuing cultural and historical heritage in education, which facilitates the knowledge of history in a different way. The project’s educational approach is focused on education through heritage and is oriented towards the formation of integrative skills, encouraging autonomous learning by the student, guided by the teacher. The article presents the four stages of the project: the pre-project activity; the actual implementation of the project; the presentation of the products and the evaluation of the project; the dissemination of the results. At the same time, the study mentions the didactic technologies and some educational resources used in the project: the action plan; the worksheet for the analysis of a monument/building; the questionnaire on the evaluation of own experience, which asks the students to reflect on the learnings gained and the skills developed. This article, focused on educational practice, comes to facilitate the work of the actors involved in the teaching process and shares an experience in heritage education. Knowledge and implementation of such practices will contribute to the development of a civic spirit and responsibility of the young generation. We believe that the degree of appreciation of cultural and historical heritage depends to a large extent on the involvement of young people in research, promotion and conservation of cultural values.

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