
The reality of life in many Latin American countries, which is marked by inequality, poverty and unsatisfied basic needs, suggests the need for a change in the way ethics are taught to university students, so as to make them morecaring and prepared to shoulder greater social responsibility. Up to now, ethics has been an academic discipline weighed down by a legalistic and regulatory ap- proach, where rules take precedence, along with consideration of the licit or illicit nature of actions, detached from the acting sub- ject. This article proposes rehabilitating the Aristotelian approach to ethics, now called “first person” or “virtue” ethics. According to this approach, the relationship between freedom and virtues is intrinsic and plays a key role in education. Virtues are principles that liberate and lay the basis for cheerful and spontaneous striving, in a positive and hopeful way, and are obtained when all of life is oriented towards the truth. The dimensions of virtues and choice as the core of the moral process are analyzed as well.


  • Education in Ethics: standards or VirtuEs? What approach should thE tEaching of Ethics takE to instill uniVErsity studEnts With a sEnsE of solidarity? Educação ética: normas ou VirtudEs? QuE giro dEVE tomar o Ensino da ética na formação dE uniVErsitários solidários?

  • AbSTRACT The reality of life in many Latin American countries, which is marked by inequality, poverty and unsatisfied basic needs, suggests the need for a change in the way ethics are taught to university students, so as to make them morecaring and prepared to shoulder greater social responsibility

  • This article proposes rehabilitating the Aristotelian approach to ethics, called “first person” or “virtue” ethics

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La ética nace de una reflexión

Basta mirar la estructura misma de la razón práctica para práctica las dEcisionEs QuE El sujEto dEbE tomar. Estos principios de la razón práctica son las virtudes, eje sobre el cual gira toda En el caso de la ética moderna, al no considerar el obrar la dinámica de la vida moral. La enseñanza de la ética de la virtud como asignatura curricular a nivel universitario Ahora, pasemos a ver cómo puede enseñarse la ética desde el punto de vista de la primera persona o ética de la virtud. De nada vale una educación basada en la transmisión de conocimientos eruditos o en un simple adiestramiento, si no se presta especial atención a dirigir hacia el bien la energía operativa del sujeto a través de las virtudes. La actuación Educativa tiEnE como fin la promoción y El incrEmEnto dE la libErtad. toda Educación —primaria, sEcundaria y univErsitaria— sE rEaliza En función y al sErvicio dE la libErtad, y la piEza capital dEl procEso Educativo Es la formación En virtudEs

Educar para la libertad
Dimensiones de la virtudes
La virtud moral como hábito de la buena elección
El término medio de las virtudes
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