
The development of information technology that continues to grow in all aspects of life which makes human work more efficient and effective. The current COVID-19 pandemic is one of the conditions in which people's activities are hindered and limited in their daily activities. The application of Information Technology is a solution that can be applied for the sustainability of community activities in the midst of this pandemic, one of which is the education sector. Edmodo's E-Learning system is one of the most widely used e-learning systems for the teaching and learning process. The application of e-learning certainly changes the way students learn from offline to online. EUCS (end-user computing satisfaction) is one of the methods used to analyze user satisfaction of an information system, where this method has 5 variables, namely content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. The case study of Senior High School 1 Sampang will be the object of this research, where the EUCS method is used to measure the satisfaction of end users of the Edmodo E-Learning system. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to active students at Senior High School 1 Sampang by obtaining a sample of 80 respondents. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the EUCS method can be applied to the Edmodo E-Learning system at Senior High School 1 Sampang because the data obtained from the respondents was declared valid and reliable so that it can be relied upon in measuring end user satisfaction with the Edmodo E-learning system, while the factors - the factors of the EUCS method that affect the satisfaction of the end user of the Edmodo E-Learning system at Srnior High School 1 Sampang are the content and accuracy factors.

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