
During 2014 BJCP published 87 reviews (seven of which were meta-analyses and 17 systematic reviews, 15 were commissioned and 20 uncommissioned, 11 were themed), one short communication, one viewpoint, one set of abstracts, one historical perspective, 132 research articles, five papers in the Methods in Pharmacology series, two book reviews, five commentaries, four editorials and 34 letters. There were two themed issues: Addiction in the February issue (77:2), and Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoepigenetics in the April issue (77:4) We received 553 submissions from 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2014 (exactly the same number, 553, for that time frame in 2013), of which 393 were original papers. Of the original articles, 15% have been accepted, with the remainder rejected, pending a decision or awaiting a revision. We have seen a stable rate of submissions of reviews and meta-analyses, with 75 to date, as compared with 81 in 2013. Overall submissions for the period came from 57 countries (63 countries in 2013 and 52 in 2012): United Kingdom (79, 14% of total), USA (41, 7%), China (61, 11%), France (38, 6.8%), the Netherlands (33, 5.9%), Australia (30, 5.4%), Italy (30, 5.4%), India (24, 4.3%), Japan (18, 3.2%), Germany (17, 3%), Spain (17, 3%), Canada (15, 2.7%), Korea (14, 2.5%), Denmark (13, 2.3%), Switzerland (12, 2.1%), Sweden (9, 1.6%) and 41 other countries (<10 submissions each). Papers were submitted and handled electronically via the ScholarOne website. Median times were as follows: from submission to first decision 28 days compared with 25 days in 2013, from submission to final acceptance 85 days compared with 91 days in 2013, from receipt at the Publishers to Accepted Article publication 5 days compared with 5 days in 2013 and from receipt at the Publishers to issue publication 189 days compared with 204 days in 2013. These results are encouraging, especially in the categories ‘from submission to final acceptance’, which has decreased by 6 days and ‘from receipt at the Publishers to issue publication’, which has decreased by 15 days. This reflects the commitment by Editors, Executive Editors, Referees and our Publishing Team. The impact factor is 3.688, a rise of 3.1% compared with the previous year (impact factor 3.58). BJCP is ranked 50th out of 254 journals in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, a rise of three positions.

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